Do you ever wonder what simple life really means? Is it living in the country? Is it living minimal?
We hear that more and more these days that everyone wants to live a more simpler life, but what is the simple life? I think the simple life can be different for everyone and there is a misconception that you have to have acres of land and be in the country to have that simple life but that is so not true.
A simple life can be anywhere your are, you can be on a farm , a countryside home, in the suburbs or in an apartment in a busy city.
Our Journey to a More Simple Life
Growing up in a small town and having that small town life with chickens and a small produce farm , our life was pretty simple. Remembering the days of coming home from school to freshly baked bread and molasses cookies on the table. Summer days filled with backyard fun and freshly picked berries and ice cream. Life was pretty simple back then.
Life happens, we grow up and pressures of work, bills and the hustle bustle of everyday life consumes us. In todays world, most moms cant stay home and bake bread all day, they are out working , as it takes two to make a living.
The first year my son was born , I stayed home with my son and it was a wonderful time of bonding together, but it did not come without challenges with only one of us working. We gave up a lot and lived in a very small 2 bedroom cabin, but the time I had with my son was worth all the stuff most people think they need when having a baby, Our small little home was simple and our life was simple.
Now my son is 11 and although we still long for that simple little life in the country , we still live a simple life in a quiet little neighborhood, grow our own food, bake our own bread and just enjoy the togetherness of family. Living the simple life is just scaling back and enjoy the simple things.
What Happens When You Live More Simple
-You noticed your surroundings, quiet evenings watching the sunset, trees blowing in the wind, the beauty of nature.
-You become more creative, finding your creativity to do the simple things like planting your own herbs, or baking your own bread, Your creativity can be endless.
-You become more aware of your body and mind. You notice your breath , slower breaths and a more calm mind. Better sleep and just a slower pace.
– Your children grow up simpler, more calm and appreciating the simple things and the hard work it takes to have things.
Small Steps For A Simpler Life
-Getting out in nature everyday, even a 10 minute walk to clear your mind and appreciate the air we breathe.
-Making your home comfortable, a cozy home helps you relax and create a simple home by bringing simple natural elements in like flowers, herbs, twigs , using your creativity to create a space you enjoy.
-Scale back on things you don’t need like monthly expenses that are not necessities. You will feel a sense of simplicity when you don’t have the added stress.
-Set aside a time to meditate , meditation has changed my life and only takes 5-10 minutes a day. It can be anywhere, inside a nice quiet room or even outside on a warm sunny day watching the trees blowing and just just taking the time to breath slowly and letting go.
-Just moving slower. I used to a person who was constantly moving like I was in a race to get things done and I now take my time baking or cooking and use that time to enjoy what I am creating. Put on relaxing music , music can be a wonderful way of setting our mood.
Living a more simple life is being content with what you have , enjoying the simple things and the richness you endure with the little things.
Amanda says
Love this message! Such a great reminder to the benefits of slowing down.
Simplyspoutedhome says
It is a reminder for all of us to take life a little slower and just breathe.
Tallia says
I love this post! It is so true! I feel like this pandemic has really caused more people to slow down and find value in the simple life.
Simplyspoutedhome says
Yes, it certainly has Talia. I really have taken a look at life and appreciate everything God has given me.
Megan says
LOVE THIS! I agree with Tallia, the pandemic has made me really focus on slower living too. It’s crazy the everyday things we take for granted because we are on autopilot all of the time. Cheers to slowing down, being more mindful and being happier.
Simplyspoutedhome says
Yes, This pandemic has certainly made us all slow down and appreciate all the simple things we have in our life.