Growing your own herbs is an easy way to add flavor and nutrition to your meals and these 4 herbs can be grown anywhere , even in your very own kitchen.
Did you know how many health benefits are in fresh herbs. Herbs are sometimes forgotten when it comes to healthy eating and they are packed with nutrition.
Herbs can be added to salads, pasta dishes, sandwiches and even drinks are a nice way to add that nutritional punch with a added boost of flavor and color.
I absolutely love gardening and living in a cold climate , I don’t get the luxury of fresh garden vegetables all year around but herbs can be grown just about anywhere even on your kitchen counter and even all year around.
Basil, parsley, rosemary and thyme are simple to grow and can be started with seeds( which is what I do) or can be started with seedling , which is found in most produce departments of the grocery store. It’s best to replant them in a bigger pot if starting with seedlings.
This brightly green colored Mediterranean herb has many nutrients. In only a 1/2 cup of fresh parsley you get vitamin A, C, K, Folate and Potassium.
These can added to lettuce salads, pasta and potato salads, omelet’s and by adding just a touch of parsley in your afternoon glass of water, you get a boost of antioxidants and a touch of flavor from this beautiful green herb.
Basil is known for its sweet aroma that fills your kitchen with the smells of Italy and the Mediterranean. This little green plant is filled with health benefits and a nutrition boost.
Basil adds micronutrients to your diet in the form of calcium and vitamin k as well as antioxidants. Antioxidants are key for eliminating free radicals from the body.
Sweet basil can be added to many Italian and Mediterranean dishes including pasta, salads, pizza and pesto.
Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb with leaves that feel like little needles. and known for its aromatic and pungent fragrance.
Rosemary is a good source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory compounds. It is a good source of iron, calcium and vitamin B6. Improves digestion and brain aging.
Caution when consuming too much rosemary , at high doses this herb may have some unpleasant side effects like digestive and pulmonary issues. This is typically very high doses.
When adding rosemary to a dish , a little goes a long way. Just a pinch on pork, chicken and lamb is just enough to give these dishes a boost of flavor.
Thyme is a tiny little plant that has powerful health benefits and is one of the most commonly used herb in the culinary world. This herb is easy to grow in a garden or in a pot in your kitchen.
This little herb survived a harsh Michigan winter and sprung right back in our outdoor garden this year.
Thyme has many antibacterial benefits, it has the ability to kill off bacteria and viruses and is great to take when that first seasonal cold starts to appear. Thyme is generally safe to eat , sprinkled on dishes and made into a refreshing tea. Thyme essential oils are highly concentrated and can be toxic when not diluted.
Herbs are easy to plant , they can be planted in clay pots or plastic pots and planters. Making sure the pots have a drain hole on the bottom will help release excess moisture.
Herbs can be replanted from seedlings or by seeds. A good organic soil is best. My rule of thumb when deciding on seeds and soil is if I am planting food , organic is the best choice and other soils can be used when planting flowers and bushes that are not edible. I strive for organic whenever it is feasable and available.
Tools needed:
Pots or planter boxes
Organic soil
Seeds or seedlings
Garden spoon
Watering can
Growing herbs can be fun for kids too! Watching their little faces light up when the herbs start sprouting out of the soil and teaching them to water and take care of them gets them excited when its time to add them to their meals.
There is something about a freshly sprouted herb garden that will brighten up your kitchen any time of the year.
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