A place where are family shares …
– Nourishing real food recipes in an allergy friendly home
– Natural health and wellness
– Raising healthy kids
-Simple and non- toxic home
Here at our sprouted home you will meet my husband Ron, our son Ronnie(11), our chocolate Maddie and I’m Cindy, creator of all the goodness that happens in our sprouted kitchen.
After meeting my husband 21 years ago , we knew we wanted a family. Those dreams were put on hold when we struggled with infertility and losses. 10 years later, we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. My pregnancy came with some life threatening challenges (AFLP) but soon recovered and have always shared a passion for AFLP awareness.
Soon after that , our family came with another health challenge when my husband was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis. At that point, we have to make some big life changes to the way we were living our life and some dietary changes that could help overcome some of his symptoms. While making these more whole food changes, our son was going through years of digestive problems , tummy aches, acid reflux and not gaining weight. After many specialist appointments and endoscopies, we got a life changing diagnosis of eosinophil esophagitis, which is an immune response to a food that made his esophagus get inflamed which eventually made him choke on his food. After many trials with medicine and food, we chose the food elimination and dairy was his allergen. We were so thrilled to know that we could just eliminate a food and our son would feel better , no more tummy aches.
It was overwhelming at first, to think of no cheese, no ice cream, no sour cream. BUT mom started her research and after a year of being a dairy free family , we have never felt better. That is when my true passion for growing our own food , preserving and knowing where our food sources come from has changed the health of our family.
We would love to share our journey with other families and hope to be an inspiration with recipes, natural wellness and a path to a more simple life.
A little about Cindy
-Grew up in a small town in northern Michigan
-Was raised on a small produce farm where I learned to grow real food and preserve all the goodness.
– Have a strong faith in God and feel blessed everyday for the life God has given me and my family.